Welcome to
6th Grade

About 6th Grade

Sixth grade is such a great year where students get to really build on what they have learned throughout their years in elementary school. The main concepts that we cover in Math are positive and negative integers, fractions, decimals, percent, and basic algebra concepts. They spend the year in Science studying Earth and Space and human body systems and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sixth grade English takes basic grammar concepts one step further. Students learn about types of sentences and solidify their knowledge of parts of speech. Ancient civilizations is our history topic in sixth grade. Along with their core subjects, students get the opportunity to study from the Bible each week. The lessons focus on different character traits taught in the Bible and how to live a Christ-filled life.

See What We've Been Learning! 

Hands On Science


Hands on is the best way to learn history. We've created Mesopotamian mosaics and turned each other into Egyptian mummies. We've created history projects, and made Greek drama masks. Students even wrote and acted in their own Greek skits!


Technology is both an enrichment and important academic tool. Students learn to code and create in our technology class. We also use a multitude of apps to make learning deeper, easier and fun. Whether we are studying vocabulary with Quizlet or reviewing history with an online Jeopardy game, we make the most of our tech time!

6th Grade iMovie Trailers

This quarter, 6th graders read books that have been turned into movies. They created book reports, movie posters, and iMovie trailers. Check out their creativity by clicking the button below.

Service to Others

Service to the community and to others is an important part of 6th grade. We put together, promote and gather Operation Christmas Child boxes. 6th grade has also visited food banks and conducted food drives to feed the hungry. Learning to be the hands and feet of Christ is crucial!

Fun in 6th Grade!

It's easier to learn when you're also having fun! Whether 6th grade is taking part in Dance-a-thons, doing some in class robotics, or dressing up for Spirit Days, we always try to find a way to have fun!!

What's So Great About 6th Grade? 

Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader? 

6th grade students use Kahoot to test their knowledge regularly. How would YOU do on one of their quizzes? Take this Kahoot challenge to find out. Simply click on the button below, and then enter Game Pin  0386889 to play. Do it with your child- see who gets a higher score!

Hear From Our Teacher

Mrs. Rodriguez

Our Teacher

Mrs. Rodriguez

Mrs. Mary Rodriguez joined our Calvary staff in 2017 and has been a wonderful addition to our school. Mrs. Rodriguez has a Bachelor of Science as well as a Master of Arts from Hope International University, and is currently pursuing her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and a second Master’s. She has been in education since 1986 as a teacher, a preschool director, instructional assistant, and an independent facilitator. She loves connecting with her students and mentoring them. Her smile is big and her heart is even bigger! She dreams great dreams with her students and enjoys watching them achieve.


Bible – Positive Action
Reading – BJU Press
English – BJU Press
Math – Glencoe
History – BJU Press
Science – ACSI Purposeful Design