Tuition & Fees

We recognize that for most families, paying tuition is an investment that requires careful financial planning. For this reason, Calvary Murrieta Christian School is committed to providing a quality Christian education with affordable tuition. Each family’s financial situation is unique and as a school CMCS seeks, to the greatest extent possible, to assist qualifying families who provide documentation of their financial need, in affording tuition. For more details about our financial assistance program, please contact [email protected].
Click to see in detail- Preschool Tuition Letter 24-25

Tuition Information

2024-2025 TUITION
Our preschool offers half day and full day options, along with 2-day*, 3-day and 5-day a week options.
*Jr. Kindergarten does not have a 2-day a week option.
Half-days are 8:00am - 12:00pm.
Full days are any hours between 7:00am -6:00pm.
  • Parents have the option of paying in full or electing a payment plan. Parents have the option of having their ACH payment deducted on the 5th and the 20th of each month (August through May). "Other Payments" refers to tuition payments made via cash, check or credit card. Calvary Murrieta Christian School strives to keep tuition rates as low as possible, yet high enough to secure quality teachers, staff and educational materials.
  • Preschool Student Enrichment Fees (SEF) are fees collected to support programs which enhance or support the core instructional programs provided through tuition dollars. No refunds will be given for SEF fees. These fees are budgeted, and spending is based on funds availability. SEF fees must be paid to ensure your student’s enrollment and class placement. Furthermore, since these fees are ongoing (from one school year to another), based on funds availability (actual cash in the bank), and are program specific (not school year specific), fees are due for an entire year regardless of when you enroll. Funds, if unused from a prior year, would be directed to future years’ programs, and once again, for the benefit of the entire school or campus.
New Student $200.00 per student
*You receive a family discount on your SEF when more than one child from a family is enrolled at CMCS (this applies to elementary and junior high students as well).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is financial assistance available?
Yes. Each family’s financial situation is unique and as a school CMCS seeks, to the greatest extent possible, to assist qualifying families who provide documentation of their financial need, in affording tuition. Families may seek more information about our financial assistance program after the application process has been completed. For more details about our financial assistance program, please contact [email protected]. Financial applications will be reviewed beginning in May for the following school year.

Will there be additional costs?
When applying to CMCS, there is a $100 application fee (non-refundable). When enrolling at CMCS, there is a registration fee dependent on date of enrollment and a $200 SEF fee.

Does CMCS offer any types of discounts?
At this time, CMCS does not offer tuition discounts. In order to give families a financial break for siblings, there is a discount offered for SEF. You receive a family discount on your SEF when more than one child from a family is enrolled (including preschool). The way this works, is that a full SEF is charged for the oldest child, and the second child's SEF is discounted 50%.

What is the Withdrawal Policy at CMCS?
A student who is transferring from CMCS to another school must inform the Preschool Office at least 60 days prior to withdrawal. This will help expedite the transfer of appropriate files to the next school. For more information, please email [email protected]

Does preschool wear uniforms?
No, uniforms are not required for preschool students.  There are options on the Land's End website if you wish to purchase any uniform options, but it is not required.  

Do you have a question that isn't answered? Feel free to contact us with your specific question here. You can also call our front office at (951) 834-9190.