Welcome to
First Grade

About First Grade

In first grade, students become strong, fluent, and independent readers. Their comprehension skills are growing along with the content knowledge in Science, History, and Bible. Throughout the year, their number skills develop in the areas of addition, subtraction, and geometry. As first graders, they learn that we are part of a community that works together, helps one another, tries new things, and listens to one another. They learn how to put their ideas into sentences and paragraphs to communicate their thoughts and ideas. Students also participate in weekly chapels where we worship together and enjoy presenting our own original chapel to our friends and family. First grade is full of learning, fun, creativity, adventures, new friends, and memories that last a lifetime.

See What We've Been Learning!

Teepees & Pots

In History we learned about the Native Americans and their culture. As we read about each tribe, we created art to represent their way of living and artifacts that were left behind. Here are some clay pinch pots and teepees that we made!

Abraham Lincoln Paragraphs

In 1st grade we wrote our first paragraph! We used our understanding of sentence structure and wrote a paragraph about Abraham Lincoln who we read about in our History book. We brainstormed facts that we learned to create a word web, outline, and then our final 5 sentence paragraph.

Learning Activities

-- Measuring with Cubes

-- Math Flower

-- Write the Room Spelling

-- Shapes in Objects

-- Learning About Hearts in Science

-- Spelling Practice with Shaving Cream

-- Center Time

-- Adding with Counters

President Writing

Animal Writing

In History, we learn all about our country! This includes information about America’s flag, symbols, leaders, and election. After learning about the president’s role to lead America, the students get to imagine what they would do if they were president.
In Science, we learn all about God’s creation! As the students dive deep into the Life Science Unit, they learn about mammals, fish, birds, and insects. After learning about these animals' characteristics, diet, habitat, etc. they get to write about their favorite animal and why.

Word Wall

In First grade, the students learn new service words every week. Service words are those that don’t follow the phonics rules and must be memorized by sight. Each day, the students learn and review the service words on this wall as part of their daily Phonics lesson.

Reading Groups

In 1st grade we have daily reading groups where students work on Phonics skills, service words, fluency, comprehension, and expression. We read in small groups of 4-6 and learn to listen and follow along while others are reading.  This is a special time each day to get together and work on individual skills for each student. We are so proud of how far the students have come!

Hear From Our Teachers

Miss Sappington

Mrs. Williams

our teachers

Miss Sappington

As a CMCS alumni, Calvary holds a special place in Miss Amanda Sappington’s heart. She is excited to be a part of the family! She received her Bachelor of Arts and Teaching Credential from Vanguard University. Miss Sappington has taught and worked with students in K-5th grades, but 1st grade holds a special place in her heart! She has a passion for educating and engaging students in the classroom and watching them grow throughout the year.

Mrs. Williams

Mrs. Janelle Williams, a CMCS alumni, has been a part of the Calvary staff since 2001 and is an exceptional teacher. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Ashford University and has taught junior kindergarten, first grade, and third grade. Mrs. Williams has a gift for teaching students to read and provides a consistent management style and stimulating lessons to keep her students engaged.

Class Curriculum

Bible – BJU Press
Phonics – BJU Press
Reading – BJU Press
English – BJU Press
Math – BJU Press
History – BJU Press
Science – ACSI Purposeful Design
Spelling – BJU Press
Handwriting – BJU Press