Welcome to
Junior High History 

About Junior High History 

Higher Order Thinking Skills, Based on Biblical Truths
Here at CMCS, we require our Jr. High History students to utilize higher order thinking skills, based on Biblical teachings. While any history class can ask students to memorize and recall factual information, we realize that education should have a greater purpose: teaching students to think critically. Along those lines, we recognize that there is no greater guide in how to think critically than the Bible. Our students utilize the Biblical teachings to critically analyze relevant historical events, actions, and figures; thus, training them to better evaluate real life social, political, and economic situations. Further developing them as quality Christian citizens in our world.
Engaging, Hands-on Lessons
Best practices show that learning is best achieved through social, engaging, lessons. There is never a lesson in our history classes where students aren’t actively participating in hands-on learning. Whether through simulations, role playing, specifically designed games, or countless other strategies, our history students actively participate in a fun and engrossing learning experience. There is never a boring lesson in our history classes, and your student will always remember both the fun and the purpose behind what we do. This has been shown to create deeper, more meaningful, and longer lasting connections between the students and the content matter.
Organized & Systematic Learning Process
High levels of engagement do not preclude us from high standards of learning. Key amongst our high levels of learning is an organized and systematic learning process. Students are taught how to keep an organized notebook, how to study their notes, and how to further reflect upon them. This systematic approach to learning and note-taking both improves our student’s chances for success in future academic endeavors, as well as creates a consistent learning environment in which students can achieve their full potential as learners.
Rigorous Academic Evaluations
Students in our history classes are provided with rigorous academic evaluations of the highest order. Our exams and quizzes are commensurate to those of many advanced college prep courses of higher-grade levels. This gives students an opportunity to fully display their academic and not be stifled by less challenging academics. In addition to rigorous tests, students are also challenged to develop high levels of writing skills. Through the use of historically grounded argumentative essays, students learn how to craft a thesis and defend their point with evidence and facts.

Here's What We've Been Learning 

Writing & Debate

We require our Jr. High History students to utilize higher order thinking skills, based on Biblical teachings. While any history class can ask students to memorize and recall factual information, we realize that education should have a greater purpose: teaching students to think critically. Along those lines, we recognize that there is no greater guide in how to think critically than the Bible. Our students utilize the Biblical teachings to critically analyze relevant historical events, actions, and figures; thus, training them to better evaluate real life social, political, and economic situations. 

Learning Activities

We believe that learning is best achieved through social, engaging, lessons. There is never a lesson in our history classes when students aren’t actively participating in hands-on learning. Whether through simulations, role playing, specifically designed games, or countless other strategies, our history students actively participate in a fun and engrossing learning experience. There is never a boring lesson in our history classes, and your student will always remember both the fun and the purpose behind what we do. This has been shown to create deeper, more meaningful, and longer lasting connections between the students and the content matter. In these pictures we see students participating in such lessons including a quick draw competition about the Wild West; a study of WWI trench warfare while simulating life in the trenches; a role playing press conference; a group analysis of political cartoons.

Quick Draw

Press Conference

Trench Warfare Simulation

Group Analysis


High levels of engagement do not preclude us from high standards of learning. Key amongst our high levels of learning is an organized and systematic learning process. Students are taught how to keep an organized notebook, how to study their notes, and how to further reflect upon them. This systematic approach to learning and note-taking both improves our student’s chances for success in future academic endeavors, as well as creates a consistent learning environment in which students can achieve their full potential as learners. Here we see student notebooks containing highlighted notes and reflections.

Hear From Our Teacher 

Mr. Singh

Our Teacher

Mr. Singh

Mr. Steven Singh has been with us at Calvary for the past 3 years, and we are blessed to have him! He has 14 years of teaching experience and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science from San Diego State University. This year, Mr. Singh teaches Junior High History, ASB, and Study Skills–but many of our football players know him as Coach Singh. His favorite thing about teaching is getting to work with students. He loves helping them learn new things, laughing with them, and getting to know them, but his greatest passion is helping them grow in their walks with Christ. Mr. Singh says, “They say if you do what you love for a living you never work a day in your life…I haven’t had to work in a very long time.”

Class Curriculum

7th Grade
American Republic - Bob Jones University Press
8th Grade
World Studies - Bob Jones University Press