Welcome to
5th grade

About 5th Grade

Fifth grade at Calvary Murrieta is exciting. Students to begin to grow and discover new abilities. Our Bible curriculum focuses on living a godly life by exploring the Scriptures and learning God’s Word with many opportunities to reflect and discuss how to apply Biblical truth in the students’ lives. The English program is multi-faceted with the focus in writing various types of essays and culminating with each student writing a report about one of our fifty states. Other areas that support our English curriculum include grammar and spelling. The focus of math is number value and number sense, which focuses on operations with decimals and fractions. Our history curriculum is an overview of American history. Students also learn the fifty states and capitals of the United States. In science the students learn about various cycles that God has created in our world. They also study physical science and earth’s processes.

See What We've Been Learning!


Each week we study different Bible stories and Christian characteristics. Students also have a weekly Bible verse that they memorize. They often listen, draw, and then share in pairs as I read the Bible story to them for the week.


There are a few different books that we teach through over the course of the year. Our Reading curriculum is filled with short stories and poems that we read weekly. Along with that we work through a couple of novels throughout the year. The novels are read together in class so that we can discuss and dive into each chapter.

Math Practice 

Throughout the year students build on previous knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They work on more advanced forms of long multiplication and division, and all math functions with decimals. In second semester the focus is on mastering fractions. Students learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with fractions in all different forms.

Social Studies & Science

5th grade Social Studies focuses on American history. In Science we cover a variety of topics from Life, Physical, and Earth science.  These lessons are introduced and worked on in many ways. Some lessons are done together as a class, some individual, and others in small groups. The students also get to visit Science Center every other week for fun hands-on science lessons.


Throughout the year students work on a variety of different writing strategies. Each quarter they are introduced to one or two new essay strategies. These essays cover skills like compare-contrast writing, persuasive writing, personal narratives, research reports, book reviews, and imaginative instructions. Along with the essay writing students work on a weekly paragraph. The paragraphs cover a variety of topics from opinion writing to creative writing. As part of the writing process, students often pair up in class for peer editing to review each other’s work.

Hear From Our Teacher

Mrs. Peterson

Our Teacher

Mrs. Peterson

Mrs. Peterson has a Bachelor of Science from Hope International University and is currently pursuing her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Master of Arts. She previously taught fifth grade for four years, sixth grade for two years, and is now returning to teaching fifth! Miss Peterson has a love for math and is passionate about teaching her students to love it too! Her hope is to help students strive for academic success while sharing the love of Christ. We adore Mrs. Peterson and we know you will too! God has so much in store for her students next year.


Bible – BJU Press
Reading – BJU Press
English – BJU Press
Math – BJU Press
Social Science – Bob Jones
Science – ACSI Purposeful Design
Spelling – ACSI Purposeful Design