Junior High Science

About Junior High Science

For the 2023-2024 academic year, Jr. High students will take Life Science. Life Science is the study of the living creatures of the world created by God. In our science courses, we will critically evaluate the world through a Biblical sense in order to learn more about our Creator and recognize the evidence of His handiwork in all living things. Our curriculum states that, "Life Science surveys the structures and functions of living things such as plants, animals, and human beings. All these concepts are unfolded as a quest to understand the life that God has created." Students will learn from a variety of lectures, activities, experiments, hands-on activities, and even field trips about the physical world created by God. Lab work will be an additional component of these courses that will provide hands-on illustrations of key points. Some lab work will be done in the classroom, and other labs will take place outside or in the science lab. We look forward to helping our Jr. High students better understand what God has created!

Class Curriculum

Life Science - BJU

Mrs. Aldus

Mrs. Rebecca Aldus went to college at Liberty University where she earned her Bachelor's in Elementary Education. Mrs. Aldus did her student teaching during Fall 2022 and she has been substituting at various schools in the area.  Mrs. Aldus loves creating an environment where students want to learn and are excited about coming to class. Her favorite part about being an educator is forming relationships with her students, getting them excited about learning, and impacting them for Christ.

Mr. Singh

Mr. Steven Singh has been with us at Calvary since 2018, and we are blessed to have him! He has over 15 years of teaching experience and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science from San Diego State University. This year, Mr. Singh teaches Junior High History, Science, and Bible–but many of our football players know him as Coach Singh. His favorite thing about teaching is getting to work with students. He loves helping them learn new things, laughing with them, and getting to know them, but his greatest passion is helping them grow in their walks with Christ. Mr. Singh says, “They say if you do what you love for a living you never work a day in your life…I haven’t had to work in a very long time.”