Junior High Bible

About Junior High Bible

7th and 8th Grade Bible
Bible class is integral to the culture at Calvary Murrieta. We are excited to create a space for our students to dive deeper into God's word, grow in their relationships with Christ, create connections with their teacher and peers, and be able to talk about real-world issues from a Christian perspective.

In Bible class this year, our students will be studying the Old Testament. With our curriculum, students will have an overview of the big story of Scripture: "Throughout the course, students will study and recognize the big story-- Creation, Fall, and Redemption, in the Old Testament in individual narratives, and they will develop an understanding of the Old Testament’s application to the New Testament. Ultimately, students will learn to conduct their own independent Bible studies as they gain principles of hermeneutics and an understanding of biblical theology." Most importantly, they will be pointed to Jesus and God's plan of salvation for the world. Students will read their Bibles every day in class, watch videos that give them a general overview of each book we study, and complete assignments designed to reinforce  the  important concepts. In addition to studying what the Word says, students will explore ways we can apply scripture to our lives and have the opportunity to practice living out their faith through various service projects.

Class Curriculum

7th and 8th Grade Bible
The Story of the Old Testament - BJU

Mr. summers

Mr. Micah Summers is one of our awesome Bible teachers! With experience as a classroom teacher and years of youth ministry experience, we are excited he has the opportunity to teach and disciple our Jr. High students. He attended Providence Christian College in Pasadena with a degree in Liberal Arts, with concentrations in Education and English. His favorite part about being an educator is meeting students where they are at, showing them how powerful stories are, and helping them discover the ways literature points us to the Gospel—the most powerful story of all.