Preschool Parent
Calvary Murrieta Christian School has many opportunities for parents to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer at CMCS, we ask that you complete the following items and follow our volunteer requirements:
Volunteer Dress Code: We ask that while on campus, field trips and school events that you follow the volunteer dress code:
Siblings: We ask that you not bring your student’s siblings with you when you volunteer or while chaperoning on field trips.
Volunteer Schedule: Once you have completed the volunteer requirements, you must arrange a schedule with your child’s teacher. Please adhere to this schedule.
Confidentiality & Impartiality: It is important to remember that your capacity in the class is that of a volunteer. Please do not show favoritism for your child and please do not show any judgment against other student’s behavior, attitude, etc. Please do not speak to anyone but the teacher about what you observe in the classroom, student’s grades or student behavior. It is the teacher’s responsibility to handle any concerns you may have. Please be especially sensitive to this by not taking it home and discussing it with other family members. Your child could pick up on this and kids could get hurt.
Special Privileges: Being a parent volunteer does not avail you to any special privileges, except that of being able to volunteer in your child’s classroom so we ask that you not pick your child up early when volunteering or drop in on other classes unexpectedly.
- Complete a Volunteer Application Form.
- Complete a Live Scan background check.
- Provide a negative TB (tuberculosis) test result.
- Read and comply with our volunteer requirements and dress code.
- Arrange a volunteer schedule with your child’s teacher.
- Sign in at the office and pick up your name tag, which must be worn at all times while on campus.
- Sign out in the office when you are done volunteering.
Volunteer Dress Code: We ask that while on campus, field trips and school events that you follow the volunteer dress code:
- No tight fitting tops
- Halter, off-the-shoulder, strapless, and backless tops or dresses are not permitted.
- Short tops, which expose any part of the midriff skin, are not permitted.
- No part of the undergarments should be visible.
- Tops or dresses with shoulder straps less than 2 inches will need a shirt underneath or a jacket or sweater worn over it at all times.
- Sleeveless blouses and dresses may be worn only if the armholes are not so large as to show any portion of undergarments.
- The neckline of dresses, blouses, and tops must be modest. Cleavage cannot show when standing or bending over.
- Skirts, dresses, and shorts should not be higher than 3 inches above the knee.
- Sweat-type pants or skirts with writing across the rear end are not allowed.
- Clothing that displays words with suggestive double-meanings are not allowed.
Siblings: We ask that you not bring your student’s siblings with you when you volunteer or while chaperoning on field trips.
Volunteer Schedule: Once you have completed the volunteer requirements, you must arrange a schedule with your child’s teacher. Please adhere to this schedule.
Confidentiality & Impartiality: It is important to remember that your capacity in the class is that of a volunteer. Please do not show favoritism for your child and please do not show any judgment against other student’s behavior, attitude, etc. Please do not speak to anyone but the teacher about what you observe in the classroom, student’s grades or student behavior. It is the teacher’s responsibility to handle any concerns you may have. Please be especially sensitive to this by not taking it home and discussing it with other family members. Your child could pick up on this and kids could get hurt.
Special Privileges: Being a parent volunteer does not avail you to any special privileges, except that of being able to volunteer in your child’s classroom so we ask that you not pick your child up early when volunteering or drop in on other classes unexpectedly.