About Elementary Daycare
CMCS provides before and after school daycare to our elementary students K-6th. During daycare, students are supervised by our loving staff. Kids have the opportunity to play games, do crafts, watch movies, and hang out with other students. After school, students are also fed a snack. Daycare is available for students who participate in after school clubs. Students can be checked into daycare at any point after their club ends. Our students love coming to daycare and being loved on by our dedicated staff! Below is a list of specific details regarding daycare for the current school year. If you have any questions regarding the Daycare Program, please email Sherry Moreno at [email protected].
Start Time
- Morning daycare begins and is charged, per minute, from 7:00am to 7:50am. Afternoon daycare charges begin at 3:15pm for all students on regular school days and 12:15pm on half days. There is a minimum daycare charge of 30 minutes for any student checked into afternoon daycare. Afternoon daycare ends at 6:00pm.
- Daycare is held in room 225. Students checked into daycare will be on the playground from 3:15pm to 4:25pm (weather permitting). After 4:30pm, students will be inside the daycare room until they are picked up.
- All students dropped off before 7:50am must go directly to the daycare room to be checked in by the daycare staff. After 7:50am, 1st-6th grade students are walked to the playground for a before-school recess, and Kindergarten students will be walked to their classrooms.
- When picking up, you must sign your student out of daycare at the front office or at the daycare check-in/out cart. Be prepared to show your photo ID when picking up any student from daycare. All students automatically get checked-in to after school daycare after their dismissal (3:15pm on regular days and 12:15pm on half days). If you do not arrive in time to pick up your student after school, he/she will be checked into daycare. If you are a part of a carpool arrangement and your student is checked into daycare, we cannot be responsible for you receiving a bill because they failed to pick up your student on time. Afternoon daycare ends at 6:00pm. If you cannot pick up your student by 6:00pm, you will be charged $1 per minute after 6:00pm.
- In order to provide the most organized and safe environment we can for our daycare students, will not begin calling for kids from daycare until 3:25. We need 10 minutes (3:15-3:25) for teachers to bring the students to daycare, get them situated, and take attendance. Beginning at 3:25, parents may enter the front office and a staff member will call for the student. We kindly ask that you do not enter the office or request a student until 3:25.
- A light snack is given to students who are in daycare at 3:45pm. Students who would like an additional snack or arrive after 4:15pm may purchase a snack for $1.00. A gluten-free snack option is also provided. Parents may also send daycare snacks for their student from home. A list of allergies should be listed on the student’s emergency form on FACTS. For a complete list of snacks, please refer to the information board inside the daycare room.
- Our school relies on the information listed on your student’s emergency form. When your student will be going home with someone who is not listed on their Emergency form, please notify the Daycare Department as soon as possible by email or by leaving a message on the daycare answering machine.
- Daycare Email: [email protected]
- Daycare phone number during regular school hours: (951) 834-9190, Ext.1225
- Daycare phone number before and after regular school hours: (951) 691-4949
- Log on to our school website at www.cmcsweb.com
- Click on Quick Links
- Click on FACTS
- Enter the district code CM-CA (case sensitive)
- Log-in using your username and password. If you have never logged-in to FACTS, you must create an account by clicking on “Create New ParentWeb Account”
- Under the School Information, click on Web Forms
- Click on Student Medical and Emergency Information
- Click the box next to your student’s name
- Enter the new information
- Once you have finished, you MUST click Save at the bottom left-hand corner.
- Logout
- The hourly daycare rate is $12.00 per student. Fees will be payed through the FACTS Financial Family Portal.
- All daycare payments are considered late after the 15th of each month. ACH payments will be deducted on the 15th of the month. A $25 late fee will be charged to your account if payment is made after the 15th of the month. Daycare accounts must stay current for your student to use this service. Your monthly statements can be emailed to you or mailed to you via USPS. Please direct your payments to:
Calvary Murrieta Christian School
Attn: Kelsey Perry
24225 Monroe Avenue
Murrieta, CA 92562
- For questions regarding billing, please contact Kelsey Perry at (951) 834-9190, Ext. 1364 or email [email protected].